External projects are projects that need to be done outside the club.

As time progresses and you participate more and more in your club meetings, you'll find that you feel more and more comfortable speaking in your club. Some of the members will be your friends, others will be familiar, and in general you'll feel at home. External projects aim to take you again out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons. They represent great opportunities to practice everything that you have learned, in a real world and uncontrolled environment, and to "spread your wings" away from the nest.

External projects are found in almost all advanced branches of the Educational Program.

General Procedure for External Projects

Although the specific details may vary from project to project, the general procedure is as follows:

  1. Notify the Vice President of Education of your club that you intend to do an External Project
  2. The Vice President should assign you a Speech Evaluator
  3. Get in touch with your Spech Evaluator and agree on a day, time and location where to perform the project
  4. On the given day, your Evaluator, as well as a small number of other interested members will be present when you do the project. However, they will be only observing without interfering
  5. After you have finished, at the next club meeting the Evaluator will deliver his/her feedback